Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The tee

                 The tee was mainly about food, I use brown tone color panel. The image I choose the teapot, the fork and spoon is the exercise I  practise with pen tool before. I think this tee is suitable for the staffs who working in the cafe. Cafe usually have cakes and tea, and therefore when the staff wearing it when working, they will have a bigger motivative.

Accordian Book

         This is the final project__Accordian book, I choose fresh grren and light green as the background color, and I talked something about myself in the book. I place some images and play with types. The type I use is Bauhaus 93.   I was quite satisfy with my final as we have only got a little time to work on it. The only concern is when I print out the final, the color was a bit difficult compare to the computer.  The color of  page 1,3,6,8 changed to yellow.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Final of the Poster "Skeleton"

This is my final of my movie poster, it's call "Skeleton" and my favourite part is the row of bones under the title, it's the focal point and it's easy for people to know what's the film talks about. 

process of my poster

I adjust the contrast, different value of the images and backgrouns, and then I start to think about how should I design the title and paragraphic. I use black color as the main color and make a rectangle bar to separate the two different  images.

image of my characters

I took the photos in the national history meseum last year, and the images I selected were suitable for my prehistoric  poster.

inspiration of my movie poster

In my first thought, I wanna do my poster in a  detective and  mytery. However, i cant find any suitable photo or resoures to fit my theme. Therefore, I look up on my facebook album and see if i can find any  inspiration, and finally  i decide to start my poster with a prehistoric background.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Play with my pattern

Here's two of my finals of mixing two different color together, I use the pen tools mostly. The upper one is more like a wild version as the bottom one is like a more peace and calm version.Personally, I love the first one more as I can really tell the contrast between two colors.